With the Jersey Club still active with requests, Madoka has to sort out her post-graduation plans as well as organize a farewell party for Kirius and Array, who are leaving for their home planet. Meanwhile, as Tadokoro, Watabe, Asteria, Youko, Souta, James Row and Haruka Uehara all investigate the whereabouts of Moid, it is then that Asteria tells the others about her involvement in the tragedy 20,000 years ago, revealing her real name to be Maycun, a former queen of Le Garite. Kirius and Array prepare to leave for their home planet, while Izo stays behind to perfect his skills as a chef. After a full day of fulfilling various requests, Madoka ends up suffering from a fever. As Lan and Muginami look after Madoka, the two worry about how to tell her that they intend to return to their home planets once they graduate. Madoka recovers and joins in the farewell party. Asteria contacts Villagulio, realizing that Moid is the Bridge of Neuenkirchen. Dizelmine undergoes the Vox Control Particle Experiment under Moid's suggestion. After Kirius and Array take their leave, the Le Garite fleet suddenly appears above Earth and a fallen De Metrio spaceship lands upon Kamogawa.